Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Why I don't do group exercise classes...

So today I didn't really have any good face time with a grown up.  My husband is away for work, and with a sick niece out of school for the day, and a day long snowfall, I've been indoors all day. (With a 5 & 3 year old until 4pm, then two 9 year olds from then on...)  Typically my husband would come home & I'd either talk his ear off until HE wanted to rip his hair out, or I'd RUN to the gym. (Ok, not really RUN... it is, after all, snowing like I mentioned earlier, plus, i'm not in shape - I just want to be) <-No shape jokes thanks!  I would drive there swiftly! ;)
Today, i knew I'd neither have the luxury of talking hubb's ear off OR [swiftly driving to] the gym.  It really felt like the longest day ever. Really.  The girls wanted movie after movie after movie - each one of them not getting watched for longer than 10 minutes, mind you.  The boys came home grumpy about the fact that they have homework. (They ALWAYS have homework.... um, hello?)  I was kind of excited to help them with it - at least it would break up the monotony of the day, but 'Mom helping' to my boys means that they stare into space saying "hhmm..." until I give them the answer somehow.  No thank you. Next!
Dinner...  I could picture myself foaming at the mouth if the kids even dared to complain about anything pertaining to dinner, (which is sort of a norm around here) so I played it safe with chicken nuggets, corn & tater tots.  Dinner went well. 
I decided after dinner, that i just needed a quick exercise session in the living room.  That'd get my spirits up, get the blood flowing... awesome idea.  I sent the boys off to their room to play PSP for 20 minutes (I'm now their hero) & set Kenz up in the tub with the door open so I could hear her.
There's plenty of exercises On Demand on Fios to choose from. (Yes!)  I chose the 10lb slim-down with Chris Freytag.  Not only am I exercising, but she's a grown up, and she's talking to ME!
"Hi Chris!"  (she seems nice)
[Here's where the blog title comes into play...]
So my new friend Chris is doing a Core workout with me today.  She tells me to breath, I'm saying "ok!"  She asks a question & I'm answering!!  This is going great!  What a good idea!
-Zach walks in & is quickly turned around by a breathless "Out!"-  LOL  He must've told his brother of the sight to see, because then comes Luke, "Oh, sorry Mom, sorry!  Sorry to disturb you!"  All the while trying to disguise a grin and pretending to have come out for a toy he could really care less about...
Chris isn't at all distracted,  and she continues on while I yell, "Hold on, do what?!"
I'm really trying to keep up with her, but soon can't help but notice that when she's says "Oh we're really feeling it now!", that she doesn't seem to be 'feeling it' in the same way as I am...  When she says things like, "If you're having difficulty, feel free to modify" I'm really starting to get mad at her.  Of course I need to modify Chris, I'm clearly not in the same shape you are!  Keep pulling my belly to my spine?  This lady's crazy!  "Need some water?"  Uh, yea Chris!!

Ok, I'm back in the game.  Sorry Chris.  I can do this!
"Want to try something new?"  No!!  I just figured this part out!
"You can do it! Now double time!"  &*%$ you & your double time!!
"Ok, now try this one!"  (I can't even begin to describe 'this one' - some sort of running while facing the floor alternating legs thing...)   I tried, I really tried.  I almost somersaulted somehow and ended up rolling around on the floor in loud, tear producing laughter.
Both boys are in the doorway & Kenz is yelling "Mum, what's happening?" from the bathroom.

Well, spirits are up & blood got flowing! ;)
Thanks Chris!

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