Friday, May 25, 2012

Juice Fast Day 5

So, I'm feeling good again today! I'm SO happy with my Breville juicer! It's made this thing MUCH easier, and now I can really wrap my head around doing this for another 9 days. (seriously, as I did the math, i just thought, 9 days, that's it?)

Yesterday I made that Vegetable Medley juice I'd mentioned before; and I didn't just tolerate it, i really actually liked it!  The Breville keeps all the grit out, so I'm not drinking these thick, almost want to chew a little, drinks (like the previous juicer I was using), it's just smooth, fresh liquid.  The little pitcher it came with even has an insert to keep the foam out of your glass.  I don't use that much, because in most cases, I don't mind the foam, but it's a nice thought.
I could go on forever about my beloved Breville!  LOL  My entire juice contents almost all fit in the chute before I even turn it on - whole apples and all!

Ok, enough about my new love, lol.  Let's get down to business!

Weight in: again, you get no #'s!! (though, as they go down, I'm debating posting the real deal weights at the end)
Down 1.4lbs!!  Totaling: 8lbs lost (in 5 days, in case you forgot!)

I've learned to have a tall glass of lemon water if i start to feel a little hungry.  That usually curbs the hunger for almost an hour.  I'm also liking the juices more and more. I've heard that they're an acquired taste sometimes, but for now i'm giving credit to the Breville.  I'm not looking for snacks at all anymore I think. I still miss lunch and dinner, maybe in part or mostly for the social aspect.
I drove to the Sheriff's farm today and SO wanted to go get a tasty Mary Lou's iced coffee, but I'd brought my morning juice with me, so I was only momentarily tempted.
I'll be going to a Red Sox game on Moday, and WILL NOT break my juice fast!!  Even for a fenway frank!!  I know it's going to be super tough, as all my juices have been made fresh, and never stored in the fridge or anything... but I can do it! I've made it this far!  I plan to make a double batch of juice, and drink one in the car on the way there. I can drink water just fine while I'm there, and then I'll have another juice for the ride home that I'd kept in a cooler on ice. Sounds like a solid plan, so lets pray it all pans out!

Time to juice me up some lunch!

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